the most important thing
When we start exploring the spiritual side of life, it may be out of a rather idle curiosity, it may be out of a rather intellectual interest. That’s fine as a starting point but for us to make some real changes within ourself, for the transformations to happen, a lot more energy needs to come into our spiritual search. It needs to have a vitality, an urgency. It needs to become the most important aspect of our life. Only with that level of energy, commitment, dedication to the spiritual journey, can we really penetrate to our innermost being. Only this way is there enough energy in the process for deep transformation to take place. Naturally, this level of intensity may not be there in the first days, or even the first years. But sooner or later it must come – this feeling that this is the only really significant thing in life and that if we do not pursue our own truth in this way, then the rest of life has no meaning anyway, we will miss it.
When we fully realise the importance of our journey, when we have seen for ourself that it is our essential work here in life, then just naturally our spiritual search becomes the most important thing for us, more important than a career, more important than wealth or fame, more important even than relationship. And with that, the nature of relationship will change.
Most people live their intimate relationships as the most important thing in their life. And partners, unconsciously perhaps, expect that they are the most important aspect of your life, that they have top priority. So it can be challenging to a relationship to enter into the path in such a dedicated way. Nevertheless, if we realise that without this inner journey we are relating from a position of neediness, ultimately the way we relate to others will improve, will become much healthier, once we have discovered our truth, once we have allowed the mystery of life to work within us, once we have opened as a flower opens in the sun.
Afterwards, there will be no regrets. But for that change to happen, our spiritual journey must take top priority. It must be recognised as the most important aspect of our life.
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